What is the Warranty on an EV?

June 17th, 2022 by

Most luxury electric vehicles are covered by a warranty similar to that of a traditional combustion engine vehicle. One of the main differences of an Electric Vehicle warranty, however, is the inclusion of a battery warranty. Battery warranties typically cover an EV’s battery for most of its expected lifespan. A typical battery warranty lasts for 8 years or 100,000 miles – at Ray Catena Auto Group, we’ll help you understand the capabilities of your LEV and how to service it when needed.

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BMW Luxury Electric VehiclesMany luxury electric vehicles on the road today represent the pinnacle of driving technology. But that does not mean anyone should want to purchase one without an electric car warranty. Repairs to an electric vehicle can be quite expensive without a warranty. Your warranty can save you a lot of stress and money in the event that a serious mechanical problem arises with your LEV.

Like most vehicle warranties, an EV warranty covers many technical defects that can occur through no fault of your own. Electric vehicle warranties also offer extended coverage for the vehicle’s battery. 

For many drivers, the battery warranty is the most important aspect of their LEV warranty. If your battery starts to deteriorate sooner than expected, you could find yourself struggling to make your daily commute. Here is a breakdown of what to expect from your battery warranty.

Electric Vehicle Battery Warranty

LEV battery warranties typically cover most of the expected lifespan of the vehicle’s battery. Electric vehicle batteries can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years depending on maintenance and driving conditions. Most battery warranties start at 8 years or 100,000 miles. Other manufacturers will offer as much as 10 years or 120,000 miles on their battery warranty.

Certain manufacturers also have different standards for what is covered by their battery warranty. For instance, BMW will replace your battery if it falls below 70% of its expected capacity while under warranty. Other manufacturers will only cover your battery in the event of total failure.

Electric Vehicle Battery Capacity and Maintenance

Your vehicle’s battery capacity refers to the total range you should be able to drive on a full charge. For example, an EV with a range of 250 miles should be able to drive all 250 miles on a full charge. But if it is only driving 200 miles, it is operating at 80% capacity.

You should expect your battery capacity to slowly decrease over time. A gradual decline is expected and natural. However, a sharp or sooner-than-expected decline could mean that something is wrong with your battery. If this happens, your battery warranty should cover you and you can get a new battery.

Jaguar Luxury Electric VehiclesSometimes battery defects are unavoidable. However, there are steps you can take to take care of your battery and keep it running smoothly. Luxury electric vehicles are built with lithium-ion batteries. It may seem counterintuitive, but these batteries actually run better when you don’t charge them to full capacity. Over-charging (and under-charging) your battery can put unnecessary strain on it and cause it to deteriorate faster. Therefore it is generally recommended that you try to keep your battery between 20-80% charged most of the time. This range can keep your battery running at peak efficiency for longer.

High temperatures can also damage a lithium-ion battery. Therefore drivers in warmer climates may experience more complications with their batteries than other drivers. Most LEVs have self-cooling systems installed for their batteries because of this.

See also: How long do electric cars last?

Ray Catena is the local leader in Electrified Luxury – we’re ready whenever you want to take a test drive and see the pure performance LEVs are capable of.

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