How Do Electric Cars Perform in the Rain?
The battery and drivetrain on all electric vehicles are properly sealed and insulated, meaning they are perfectly safe to drive in rain. All normal precautions should be taken when driving an EV in wet conditions, but there is no need to avoid driving in rainy conditions.
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Electric vehicles are becoming more common each year, but they are still a relatively new commodity. As such, there are many misconceptions and lingering concerns about electric vehicles. One common concern is about the performance of electric vehicles in rainy conditions.
Those concerns are not unfounded. Water and electronics are notoriously incompatible, after all. But if you have any safety concerns about driving your electric vehicle in the rain, you don’t need to worry. All the electrical components inside an electric vehicle are safely covered and insulated against rain and other moisture.
Driving Electric Vehicles in the Rain
Both hybrid and all-electric vehicles are as protected from the rain just as any other vehicle is. It would be impractical to design a vehicle, electric or otherwise, that is unable to operate in the rain. Traditional gas engine cars also have components that can be damaged by water. These are all protected against moisture. The same is true for all electric vehicles on the road.
While there are no added concerns about driving an electric vehicle in the rain, you should still take normal precautions. Carefully monitor your speed and keep a greater distance between other cars on the road in wet conditions. And, of course, if the road is flooded, don’t attempt to drive through it. This is dangerous and ill-advised in any car, electric or not.
It is also perfectly safe to use a designated EV charging station in the rain. EV chargers are insulated against moisture as well, meaning you do not need to worry about water damage when charging your car. Public charging stations are required to be set up following all safety standards.
You should also make sure to protect the interior of your electric car from moisture. Again, this is no different than how you would treat a car with an internal combustion engine. Keep your windows, doors, and sunroof closed while it’s raining. Moisture in the car can damage your seats or cabin electronics. But you do not need to fear damaging your electric vehicle’s battery in the rain.
Differences in Electric Vehicle Performance
When driving your electric vehicle in the rain, there may be some performance differences to pay attention to. First, your EV will be heavier than most traditional cars. This is because the car’s battery and its protective framework are heavier than a combustion engine. Most electric vehicles also house the battery underneath the floor of the cabin, rather than at the front of the vehicle.
This added weight and distribution changes the aerodynamics of the vehicle. As a result, electric vehicles require stronger tires. Electric vehicle tires are more durable than most standard tires on traditional vehicles, and often are made for greater traction. This means they might be able to perform slightly better in some conditions, including on slick or wet surfaces.
The improved grip and regenerative braking also lead to improved brake performance on many new EVs. However, this enhanced performance should not be taken to mean that you can neglect routine safety responsibilities on the road. You should still exercise caution when driving an electric vehicle in rain.
At Ray Catena, we’re your local experts in Electrified Luxury. Find your local dealership and visit us to learn more about the amazing luxury electric cars we have to offer, or read on about the total cost of ownership for an LEV.
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